State of Open Media on Wikipedia

State of Open Media on Wikipedia

Presenter Michael Dale (Wikimedia, Kaltura)
Themes TechnologyContent
About the presenter
Michael Dale is a Senior Developer and Project Administrator at Kaltura, currently working together with MediaWiki to add collaborative video functionalities to it.

The current state of Open Media efforts will be presented to the Wikimedia community. These efforts include:

The collaborative video sequencer system being developed in collaboration with Kaltura. The sequencer system includes tools for adding assets, trimming clips and adding effects & transitions. Will demo "editing a sequence" in the sequencer.

The improved asset ingestion framework. The add media wizard includes client and server side changes to support ingesting content from remote repositories and an improved upload experience using firefogg; to support larger files with resume support and client side transcoding for videos into the free ogg theora format. Search profiles for Wikimedia Commons, and will be demonstrated.

Mv_Embed is a library used to provide video playback for multiple browsers and plugin systems. It supports features like remote embedding and timed text display. Efforts to deploy mv_embed as the default player for ogg content will be shown.

Developments to revamp portions of the mediaWiki technical architecture for resource intensive javascript interfaces and applications will be shown. Performance comparison against non ScriptServer mediawiki and ScripServer mediaWiki will be demonstrated. MediaWiki tools for localized messages packaged with javascript code delivery for "just-in-time" interface modules will be demonstrated.

Will report back on 'on-the-ground' progress of Mozilla-Wikimedia grant for theora development and future plans for open media in wikimedia related projects. Also see .

Language English