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destination: WMF Planning Meeting December 17 2008
source update: 2008-12-17

2008년 12월 17일, 위키미디어 2009에 관한 기획 회의가 위키미디어 재단과 위키미디어 아르헨티나 사이에 개최됩니다. 장기간에 걸친 자원봉사자인 포비 에이어스가 참가합니다. 제안된 안건은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 장소: 샌프란시스코, 위키미디어 재단 사무실
  • 참석자: Erik Möller, Patti Melton, Phoebe Ayers, Frank Schulenburg, Patricio Lorente, Carlos Barcenilla, Cary Bass, Marylou Secoquian, Sara Crouse, Kul Wadhwa
  • 회의록 작성: Patti Melton


10.00-12.15 PM (optional for Marylou, Sara)
Recap 2008 postmortem & recommendations
Recap survey: Erik
Present & discuss current state WM09: Patricio, Carlos
12.15 PM – 1PM
점심 식사 – brought in
1PM – 3PM (optional for Jay, mostly optional for Sara)
재정 및 관리 토론:
Collect key questions
Scholarships summary: Sara
Sponsorships – which ones, who manages
Budget & admission fees
Financial relationship with WM-AR
Advance funding
Sponsorship money transfers
Other administrative issues
Define roles/responsibilities/actions
3 PM - 3.30 PM
휴식 시간
3.30 PM – 5.30 PM (optional for Véronique, Marylou, Kul, Sara)
이벤트 / 프로그램 토론
Collect key questions
State / future of program committee?
Public outreach function of the program
Define roles/responsibilities/actions
Information/Volunteer management (effeitsanders add)
Press and media brainstorming
Collect key questions
Define roles/responsibilities/actions
6 PM
Dinner at Delancey St. restaurant (map)