Program review committee
(Redirected from Program review committee/en)
The following users are members of the Program review committee. They are responsible for reviewing all submissions and organizing the schedule for Wikimania 2009.
* ar/العربية (missing) * de/Deutsch (published)* el/Ελληνικά (missing) * en/English (published)* es/español (missing) * fr/français (published)* it/italiano (missing) * ja/日本語 (published)* ko/한국어 (published)* nl/Nederlands (missing) * pl/polski (missing) * pt/português (missing) * ru/русский (missing) * zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)* zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)* *
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The following users are members of the Program review committee. They are responsible for reviewing all submissions and organizing the schedule for Wikimania 2009.